Google Maps Drag & Drop

CSS GoogleMaps JavaScript Website jQuery
Google Maps Drag & Drop

Drag & Drop demo to add or remove icons from a Google Map bij dragging them onto it, and use the coordinates if needed. The code also requires jQuery UI.
You can only drag icons from outside the map with a mouse. It won't work with a touch event so you can also double-click on them to add them to the map.

Download the StyleSheet

Download the JavaScript   (Minified)

Download the Dutch Province outline coordinates.

View source on GitHub

Icons on map: 0

Code Snippets

The HTML part.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-12 col-md-10">

            <div id="map_container" class="map_container">
                <div id="map_dragdrop" class="map_dragdrop"></div>
                <div id="map_recyclebin" class="map_recyclebin">
                    <img src="/images/trash.png" />

        <div class="col-12 col-md-2 text-center pt-4 pt-md-0">

            <div id="map_icon_container" class="map_icon_container"></div>

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-12 col-md-10 pt-3">

            <textarea id="map_results" class="form-control"></textarea>


<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

The CSS.

.map_container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 500px;
    overflow: hidden;

.map_dragdrop {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

.map_recyclebin {
    position: relative;
    height: 60px;
    width: 60px;
    top: -85px;
    right: -10px;
    background: white;
    box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 1px 4px -1px;
    border-radius: 2px;

.map_icon_container {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 100%;

.map_icon {
    cursor: pointer;
    margin: 3px 0px 15px 0px;

.map_button {
    width: 150px;

/* make responsive */

@media (max-width: 767.98px) {
    .map_icon_container div {
        float: left;
        width: 20%;

And finally the Javascript. THere is some code in there to generate the Dutch Provinces, but you can remove that easily.

var map;
var overlay;
var poiIconWidth = 32;
var poiIconHeight = 42;
var zIndex = 100;
var poiMarkerArry = [];
var binDimensions;
var binXoffset = 10;
var binYoffset = 25;
var zoomLevel = 7;

var $map_results;
var $map_dragdrop;
var $map_iconcounter;

//the icons
var poiData = [{
    id: 10,
    name: 'Icon #1',
    icon: '/files/icon_1.png'
}, {
    id: 20,
    name: 'Icon #2',
    icon: '/files/icon_2.png'
}, {
    id: 300,
    name: 'Icon #3',
    icon: '/files/icon_3.png'
}, {
    id: 400,
    name: 'Icon #4',
    icon: '/files/icon_4.png'
}, {
    id: 5000,
    name: 'Icon #5',
    icon: '/files/icon_5.png'

//timeout because jquery script is loaded later that this js file on this page
setTimeout(function () {
    $map_results = $('#map_results');
    $map_dragdrop = $('#map_dragdrop');
    binDimensions = $('#map_recyclebin').height();
    $map_iconcounter = $('#map_iconcounter');

    $('#map_reset_button').bind('click', function () {

    $('#map_load_button').bind('click', function () {

    initializePoiMap(52.52000, 5.28662);
}, 50);

//create the map
function initializePoiMap(lat, lng) {
    //coord for the center of the map
    var startpos = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);

    //map options
    var options = {
        zoom: zoomLevel,
        center: startpos,
        zoomControl: true,
        mapTypeControl: false,
        scaleControl: false,
        streetViewControl: false,
        rotateControl: false,
        fullscreenControl: false,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN

    //start the map
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_dragdrop'), options);

    //add an overlay
    overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();
    overlay.draw = function () { };


    //for netherlands only

//add the icons that can be dragged to the html page and attach the drag function
function generatePoiMarkerlist() {
    //add the icons
    for (var i = 0; i < poiData.length; i++) {
        var content = '<div>' + poiData[i].name + '<br><img data-id="' + poiData[i].id + 
            '" data-index="' + i + '" class="map_icon" src="' + poiData[i].icon + '" /></div>';


    var $icons = $('.map_icon');

    //attach the drag event
        stop: function (e) {
            dragIn(e, this, $(this).data('index'));

    //attach the double click event
    $icons.dblclick(function () {
        addIconToMap([map.getCenter().lat(), map.getCenter().lng()], this, $(this).data('index'));

    //make the double click working on touch devices
    var tap = 0;
    $icons.on('touchend', function () {
        var now = new Date().getTime();
        var ms = now - tap;

        if (ms > 0 && ms < 500) {
            addIconToMap([map.getCenter().lat(), map.getCenter().lng()], this, $(this).data('index'));

        tap = new Date().getTime();

//generate a marker on the map
function generatePoiMarker(poi) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: new google.maps.LatLng(poi.mapPosition[0], poi.mapPosition[1]),
        map: map,
        draggable: true,
        icon: {
            url: poi.icon,
            size: google.maps.Size(poiIconWidth, poiIconHeight),
            target: google.maps.Point(poiIconWidth / 2, poiIconHeight / 2),
            origin: google.maps.Point(poiIconWidth / 2, poiIconHeight / 2)
        zIndex: zIndex

    marker.idnr = poiMarkerArry.length;

    //add the mouse over event to put an icon always on top on hover
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'mouseover', function () {

    //drag end event to update the marker data
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragstart', function () {

        //set the map drag to false, otherwise the maps starts scrolling when you get to the edges
        map.setOptions({ draggable: false });

    //drag end event to update the marker data
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function (e) {
        //enable map scrolling again
        map.setOptions({ draggable: true });

        var pixelPosition = getPixelPosition(this);

        //check if the icon is inside the recycle bin
        if (pixelPosition.x < binDimensions + binXoffset && 
            pixelPosition.x > binXoffset && 
            pixelPosition.y > ($map_dragdrop.height() - binDimensions) - binYoffset && 
            pixelPosition.y < $map_dragdrop.height() - binYoffset) {
            dragOut(e, this);
        } else {
            poiMarkerArry[this.idnr].position = e.latLng;

//update the coord after dragging an icon
function updatePoiCoords() {
    var poiArr = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < poiMarkerArry.length; i++) {
        if (poiMarkerArry[i] !== null) {
            var poiMarker = {
                lat: poiMarkerArry[i],
                lng: poiMarkerArry[i].position.lng(),
                type: poiMarkerArry[i].type


    //make a json
    var json = JSON.stringify(poiArr);

    //not really needed, just used to neatly display the output inside the textarea
    json = json.replace('[', '[\n    ').replace(/},{/g, '},\n    {').replace(']', '\n]');

    //put it in an input

    //show counter

//translate the map coordinates into pixels
function getPixelPosition(marker) {
    var scale = Math.pow(2, map.getZoom());
    var nw = new google.maps.LatLng(

    var worldCoordinateNW = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(nw);
    var worldCoordinate = map.getProjection().fromLatLngToPoint(marker.getPosition());
    var pixelOffset = new google.maps.Point(
        Math.floor((worldCoordinate.x - worldCoordinateNW.x) * scale),
        Math.floor((worldCoordinate.y - worldCoordinateNW.y) * scale)

    return {
        x: pixelOffset.x,
        y: pixelOffset.y,
        right: $map_dragdrop.width() - pixelOffset.x,
        bottom: $map_dragdrop.height() - pixelOffset.y

//an icon is dragged
function dragIn(e, icon, index) {
    var x = e.pageX - $map_dragdrop.offset().left;
    var y = e.pageY - $map_dragdrop.offset().top + 25;

    //check if the drag is on the map
    if (x > 0 && x < $map_dragdrop.width() && y > 0) {
        var point = new google.maps.Point(x, y);
        var position = overlay.getProjection().fromContainerPixelToLatLng(point);

        addIconToMap([, position.lng()], icon, index);

//place the icon on the map
function addIconToMap(position, icon, index) {
    var poi = {
        mapPosition: position,
        icon: poiData[index].icon,
        name: poiData[index].name,
        id: poiData[index].id


    $(icon).attr('style', 'position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px');

//an icon is stopped dragging
function dragOut(e, marker) {
    poiMarkerArry[marker.idnr] = null;

//load the json data from the textbox
function loadJsonData() {
    //if there are existings icons, add them to the map
    if ($map_results.val() === '')

    //here the data comes from a textarea. but could be from any other source
    var data = $.parseJSON($map_results.val());

    //reset map also

    //loop all poi's
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

        //find the right marker based on id
        for (var j = 0; j < poiData.length; j++) {

            //if the item matches the id of the poi icon
            if (poiData[j].id === data[i].type) {

                var poi = {
                    mapPosition: [data[i].lat, data[i].lng],
                    icon: poiData[j].icon,
                    name: poiData[j].name,
                    id: poiData[j].id


//reset the map data
function resetPoiMap() {
    for (var i = 0; i < poiMarkerArry.length; i++) {

    poiMarkerArry = [];

    //if you use the dutch province polygons
    for (var i = 0; i < polygonArr.length; i++) {

    polygonArr = [];

//below code specifically for The Netherlands

var polygonArr = [];

//build the dutch province polygons
function buildProvinces() {
    for (var i = 0; i < provincesNL.length; i++) {
        var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
            paths: provincesNL[i],
            strokeColor: "#000000",
            strokeOpacity: 1.0,
            strokeWeight: 2,
            fillColor: provinceColors[i],
            fillOpacity: 0.2,
            clickable: true


        attachToPolygon(polygon, provinceCenters[i]);

//build the dutch island polygons
function buildIslands() {
    for (var i = 0; i < islandsNL.length; i++) {
        var polygon = new google.maps.Polygon({
            paths: islandsNL[i],
            strokeColor: "#000000",
            strokeOpacity: 1.0,
            strokeWeight: 2,
            fillColor: islandColors[i],
            fillOpacity: 0.2,
            clickable: true


        attachToPolygon(polygon, islandCenters[i]);

//add a function to the polygon that centers on the province centre on clicking
function attachToPolygon(poly, centerPoint) {

    //zoom and center to province
    google.maps.event.addListener(poly, 'click', function () {

    //zoom out the province to original zoom level
    google.maps.event.addListener(poly, 'rightclick', function () {