Zen Barcode Generator

Barcodes C#
Zen Barcode Generator

A nice snippet to create barcodes in .Net using the Zen Barcode Rendering Framework.
The below demo shows the options available to create your customized barcodes.

The supported barcode types are:
  • 11 C
  • 11 NC
  • 25 Interleaved C
  • 25 Interleaved NC
  • 25 Standard C
  • 25 Standard NC
  • 39 C
  • 39 NC
  • 93
  • 128
  • EAN 8
  • EAN 13
  • QR Code
  • 11 C
  • 11 NC
  • 25 Interleaved C
  • 25 Interleaved NC
  • 25 Standard C
  • 25 Standard NC
  • 39 C
  • 39 NC
  • 93
  • 128
  • EAN 8
  • EAN 13
  • QR Code
View source on GitHub



Code Snippets

Because the Zen Barcode documentation is non-existend I decided that a full working demo would be useful.
The snippet was made for .Net MVC, hence the [Display(Name = "Barcode type")] attributes, but it can be used for any C# project.

First, a custom class to hold some extra barcode properties and the Enum types for the allowed content and error types.

public class Barcode
    public BarcodeSymbology type { get; set; }
    public string description { get; set; }
    public int minTextLength { get; set; }
    public int maxTextLength { get; set; }
    public ContentType allowedContentType { get; set; }
public enum ContentType
public enum ContentError

Then the actual class to create the barcode based on the supplied variables.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Zen.Barcode;

public class BarcodeData
    private int _height { get; set; }
    private int _width { get; set; }
    private int _padding { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Barcode type")]
    public BarcodeSymbology type { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Barcode value")]
    public string value { get; set; }

    [Range(50, 1000)]
    [Display(Name = "Width")]
    public int width
            if (_width < 50)
                return 50;
            else if (_width > 1000)
                return 1000;
                return _width;
            _width = value;

    [Range(30, 600)]
    [Display(Name = "Height")]
    public int height
            if (_height < 30)
                return 30;
            else if (_height > 600)
                return 600;
                return _height;
            _height = value;

    [Range(0, 250)]
    [Display(Name = "Padding")]
    public int padding
            if (_padding < 0)
                return 0;
            else if (_padding > 250)
                return 250;
                return _padding;
            _padding = value;

    [Display(Name = "Foreground color")]
    public string foregroundColor { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Background color")]
    public string backgroundColor { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Force width/height ratio")]
    public bool forceRatio { get; set; }

    public BarcodeData()
        padding = 10;
    public BarcodeData(BarcodeSymbology barcode_type, string barcode_value)
        type = barcode_type;
        value = barcode_value;
        padding = 10;

    //get all barcode types and define some properties like min and max length
    public List<Barcode> AllBarcodes()
        return new List<Barcode>()
             new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "11 C",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code11C
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "11 NC",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code11NC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "25 Interleaved C",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code25InterleavedC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "25 Interleaved NC",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code25InterleavedNC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "25 Standard C",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code25StandardC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "25 Standard NC",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code25StandardNC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "39 C",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code39C
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 64,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.AlphaNumeric,
                description = "39 NC",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code39NC
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 32,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "93",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code93
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 64,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.AlphaNumeric,
                description = "128",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.Code128
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 7,
                maxTextLength = 7,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "EAN 8",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.CodeEan8
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 12,
                maxTextLength = 12,
                allowedContentType =Enums. ContentType.Numeric,
                description = "EAN 13",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.CodeEan13
            new Barcode() {
                minTextLength = 3,
                maxTextLength = 512,
                allowedContentType = ContentType.All,
                description = "QR Code",
                type = BarcodeSymbology.CodeQr

    //validate the input. some barcodes are numeric only, some alphanumeric etc
    public Enums.ContentError Validate()
        var regex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$");
        var barcode = AllBarcodes().Where(x => x.type == type).FirstOrDefault();

        if (barcode == null || barcode.type == BarcodeSymbology.Unknown)
            return ContentError.NoBarcodeType;
        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return ContentError.NoData;
        if (value.Length < barcode.minTextLength)
            return ContentError.InputTooShort;
        else if (value.Length > barcode.maxTextLength)
            return ContentError.InputTooLong;
        else if (barcode.allowedContentType == ContentType.Numeric && !value.All(char.IsDigit))
            return ContentError.NotNumeric;
        else if (barcode.allowedContentType == ContentType.AlphaNumeric && !regex.IsMatch(value))
            return ContentError.NotAlphaNumeric;
            return ContentError.None;

    //generate the barcode
    public byte[] Generate()
        BarcodeDraw barcodeDraw = BarcodeDrawFactory.GetSymbology(type);
        BarcodeMetrics barcodeMetrics = barcodeDraw.GetDefaultMetrics(height);

        //calculate the scale
        double schaal = Math.Ceiling((double)width / 100);
        if (schaal < 1)
            schaal = 1;

        //when qr code double the scale
        if (type == BarcodeSymbology.CodeQr)
            schaal = schaal * 2;

        //set the scale to the barcode
        barcodeMetrics.Scale = (int)schaal;

        //generate the barcode
        var image = barcodeDraw.Draw(value, barcodeMetrics);

        //make a bitmap from the image and make it transparent by default
        var barcodeImage = new Bitmap(image);

        Bitmap paddedImage = null;
        Bitmap filledImage = null;
        Bitmap coloredImage = null;

        //add the padding
        if (padding > 0)
            paddedImage = new Bitmap(barcodeImage.Width + (padding * 2), barcodeImage.Height + (padding * 2));
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(paddedImage))
                //also add the background color while were at it
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundColor))

                //calculate the offset for the barcode image
                int x = (paddedImage.Width - barcodeImage.Width) / 2;
                int y = (paddedImage.Height - barcodeImage.Height) / 2;

                gfx.DrawImage(barcodeImage, x, y);

            barcodeImage = paddedImage;
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundColor)) //add the background color
            filledImage = new Bitmap(barcodeImage.Width, barcodeImage.Height);
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(filledImage))
                gfx.DrawImage(barcodeImage, 0, 0);

            barcodeImage = filledImage;

        //replace the color of the barcode foreground with a new color. must be with this type of code
        //since the library does not seem to be able to specify a color for the barcode
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backgroundColor))
            coloredImage = new Bitmap(barcodeImage.Width, barcodeImage.Height);
            using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(coloredImage))
                //make a color map
                var colorMap = new ColorMap[1];
                colorMap[0] = new ColorMap()
                    OldColor = Color.Black,
                    NewColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(foregroundColor)

                //set the attributes
                var attr = new ImageAttributes();

                //replace the color
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, barcodeImage.Width, barcodeImage.Height);
                gfx.DrawImage(barcodeImage, rect, 0, 0, rect.Width, rect.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, attr);

                barcodeImage = coloredImage;

        //force ratio bij resizing the image except qr codes
        if (forceRatio && type != BarcodeSymbology.CodeQr)
            barcodeImage = Resize(barcodeImage, width, height);

        //return the barcode as a bye array
        using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            barcodeImage.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);

            if (paddedImage != null)
            if (filledImage != null)
            if (coloredImage != null)

            //return the barcode
            return stream.ToArray();

And finally the Resize() method that resizes the barcode when the dimensions are forced.

private static Bitmap Resize(Bitmap image, int width, int height)
    var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

    using (image)
    using (Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
        gfx.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
        gfx.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
        gfx.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
        gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        gfx.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

        gfx.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

    return bmp;